Nov 182014



Know a smoker?

The American Cancer Society marks the Great American Smokeout on the third Thursday of November — only a few days away.

The idea is to support smokers in using this day to quit… or at least to make a plan to quit smoking.  Quitting — even for a day — is a step toward a healthier life.  Moments after that last cigarette, heart rate and blood pressure both drop.  Within hours?  Carbon monoxide levels normalize.

[Tweet “Quitting smoking – even for a day – is a step toward a healthier life.”]

Don’t tell me… When it comes to the smokers in your life you’ve begged, pleaded and tried to coerce, right?  You already know those things don’t work. Fear of failure often plays a role in smokers’ ambivalence about tackling one of the largest preventable causes of disease and premature death in this country.

[Tweet “Fear of failure often plays a role in smokers’ ambivalence”]

Once again, kindness and support may be the answer.

  • You might want to research local options for free counseling, patches or support… but remember to ask permission before sharing it with your loved one.
  • Should you loved one decide to quit offer to help “clear the air” (and any space) that might be triggering.  For example, if they think it would be helpful, you could collect ashtrays, lighter and matches from around the house.
  • Invite “your quitter” out to dinner or a movie — or to another enjoyable activity in a place that doesn’t allow smoking.
  • Be available.  Listen.  Acknowledge the effort ~ your loved one is doing something very, very difficult.
  • And ask.  “I’m proud of you for making this effort ~ is there anything I can  do to help you?”

[Tweet “I’m proud of you for making this effort ~ is there anything I can do to help?”]




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Nov 122014

Stubbed Out Cigarette

What is November 20th? It could be one of the most important days of your life — or the life of someone you love.  It could be the day you choose to join forces with others seeking to improve their health and stop smoking — even for just one day.

The American Cancer Society marks the Great American Smokeout on the third Thursday of November each year by encouraging smokers to use the date to make a plan to quit, or to plan in advance and quit smoking that day. By quitting — even for one day — smokers will be taking an important  and immediate step towards a healthier life.

Tobacco use is still one of the single largest preventable cause of disease and premature death in the US, yet about  42 million Americans are still actively addicted.  That’s nearly 1 in 5 adults — almost 20% of our population.

As of 2010, there were also 13.2 million cigar smokers in the US, and 2.2 million who smoke tobacco in pipes — other dangerous and addictive forms of tobacco.

[Tweet “Isn’t 8 days long enough to make your plan?”]

And, in the face of more than $22 million spent on tobacco industry advertising every day, it probably won’t surprise you to learn that over 3000 people under the age of 18 smoke their first cigarettes.

As a former smoker I understand the frustration of wanting to quit and being afraid that I couldn’t.  It felt impossible and overwhelming…. until I learned there were immediate benefits.  Learning these made me feel a little more hopeful… and helped me to get through that first day.

[Tweet “Health improvement starts 20 minutes after the last cigarette.”]

Only 20 minutes after your last cigarette your heart rage and blood pressure drop.  And a mere twelve hours later? The carbon monoxide level in your blood drops to normal. (from

Know a smoker?  Share the love.  Quitting is possible, worth it and they are, too. Besides, how else are we going to strengthen the power of example for young people trying not to start?


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