Aug 052013
Super Hero 1

Super Hero 1 (Photo credit: Alice Bartlett)


Imagine being a kid in the hospital… and seeing actual, REAL LIVE superheroes washing the windows?

Apparently it happened — in Pittsburgh — not long ago.  I’ve seen several reports about this but  these pictures are the best I’ve seen.

What kind of a world would we live in if everyone could think of a way to amplify the impact of their work?  (And of course, get a few more female superheroes into that mix!)


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Jan 252013
"Louis Braille" in braille

“Louis Braille” in braille. Photo credit: Wikipedia

The next time you find yourself thinking that a person may be “too young” to make a significant contribution consider this:
At the age of 15,  Louis Braille developed a system of reading and writing based on the use of raised dots. Braille has been used in many languages and, prior to advances in electronic communication, served as a standard form of reading and writing for the blind.


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Jan 112013
Kaziah Hancock in her studio

Kaziah Hancock in her studio (Photo credit: The U.S. Army)


I have never  met Kaziah Hancock but I know that she has not had an easy life.  It shows.   It’s written all over her work, her face, her generosity ….and her compassion.  A little research affirmed that the Four Foundations had been hard at work.

Kaziah, known as the goat woman, is a survivor – of a difficult birth, a difficult life, and, most recently, of cancer.  Her journey to overcome adversity started on ‘day one.’  One needs to know little about being either an artist or a farmer to see the influences of discipline and hard work on her art.  But it’s her attitude and commitment to giving that makes her story so inspiring.

When it comes to giving, a lot of people focus on what they don’t have.  They sell themselves short.  They believe that one person can’t make a difference.  Clearly, they haven’t seen this story.   One woman made a decision to do something within her power to help heal some of the deepest wounds inflicted by war.

She lovingly paints memorial portraits for parents whose children have been killed in action.What began as an act of kindness from one person to another has grown into  Project Compassion.

In the face of the overwhelming grief, waste and despair that is any war, Kaziah has found a way to bring some love and perhaps some comfort to parents with broken hearts.

See more of her work and learn more of her story at

and at Project Compassion.