Mar 202014


Time is a Tickin'

Time is a Tickin’ (Photo credit: im elsewhere)


“Success is simple.  Do what’s right, the right way, at the right time.”

Arnold H. Glasgow


Many parenting books appear to have pushed aside values and habit-building in favor of ‘giving’ children self-esteem. What if we allowed our kids to experience and practice the attitudes and habits shared by successful adults, building their self esteem as they grow?

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 Simple Success  March 20, 2014  Posted by at 5:09 pm Comments Off on Simple Success
Mar 122014
English: A Little League baseball player squar...

A Little League baseball player squares to bunt.      (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


  •  “You have to learn the rules of the game.  And then you have to play better than anyone else.”  ~ Albert Einstein
  • “You are remembered for the rules you break.” ~ Gen. Douglas MacArthur
  • “You can’t break the rules until you know how to play the game.” ~ Rickie Lee Jones


Have you ever noticed that some kids really like a detailed and specific set of rules while others respond better to general guidelines?  How are “rules” approached in your home?

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 A Few Thoughts on Rules  March 12, 2014  Posted by at 6:33 am Comments Off on A Few Thoughts on Rules