Jun 092009

With summer just around the corner, many parents are starting to think about vacation activities that will keep their kids entertained and safe… while improving skills in at least one area of their lives. 

If you are the parent of a young entrepreneur, you are probably watching your child count down the days until the end of the school year so that there is more time to devote to updating neighbors’ computers, helping with Mom or Dad’s home business or marketing their own special brand of pet-care services! 

Even if most of your plan for the summer involves everyone staying close to home, it is not unheard of for even the youngest student to contribute a little more time to the good of the household.  In fact, the process can be great learning for the whole family. 

I am a fan of a ‘blended’ approach to family chores: there are the things that we all do to keep the household running smoothly simply because we live here and care for one another.  Then, especially during the summer months, there are jobs that can be done for money.  One approach is to identify work that you might pay someone else to do and offer that opportunity to your kids first.  Let’s use ‘keeping the family car clean’ as an example. 

Making an agreement about this can provide ‘teachable moments’ in several areas.  It opens the door for discussion about:

  • what you normally spend for car care services,
  • negotiating the car-cleaning schedule,
  • the timeline and quality you expect
  • and, of course, how much you are willing to pay! 


Summertime is a great time for the real world lessons that will give your kids a leg up on the skills they need to succeed later in life!

  2 Responses to “On the (Summer) Job Training — Take 2!”

  1. I have worked since I was 14 and I think it made a better person of me (actually I mowed lawns and babysat before that).
    I think the teens these day still need to learn responsability and the value of earning their own dollars. The kids around here drive BMW’s & Audi’s which were handed to them when they turned 16, Landscapers to make their lawn pretty, a cleaning lady who does the house while the family is out and they don’t work a day of their lives until after they graduate college and get tossed into the world.

  2. Tina —

    Thanks for your comment.

    So here are these kids, in some ways envied by others…. I think the sad part is that many parents don’t seem to understand that their kids are leaving home unprepared.

    A little struggle early in life seems to prevent more later?????

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