Jan 302013





… I’m really not quite sure WHAT he has launched but this guy has got it goin’ on.

Please meet our new dog: Alex.

You may remember the broken-hearted blogger whose elderly, blind chocolate lab left this plane back in September.  I was crushed.  The preceding year had been intense.  He required a lot of care and, along the way, we had developed a bond that bordered on telepathic.

[Tweet “We developed a bond that bordered on telepathic. #olddog”]

And then he wasn’t here any more.

For three months the only “next dog” conversation we entertained was “how long before you think we’ll be ready to start to think about it?”  It took even longer to put our “big toes in the water” and casually look at some pictures online.

Casual. Until I saw “that face.”  I couldn’t shake it.  Neither could my husband.

So little bit by little bit we communicated with the rescue.  We went to meet him.  Fed him some treats. We introduced him to our German Shepherd. It felt right — weird, but right.  We signed the papers and brought him home.

When I posted his picture on my Facebook ‘author’ page and asked for name suggestions I got a bunch.  I’m still not sure whether I should be delighted or offended that people are that much more interested in naming my dog than coming to a seminar…. *sniff* (Just kidding — it was a lot of fun!)

[Tweet “I believe in coincidence… especially when it makes no sense!”]

Finally, we got smart.  We decided to ask some very important kids in our lives for their input.  All of them love dogs… and none of them has ever had the chance to live with one full-time let alone name one.  They all took the process of “discovering” the right name very seriously.

What are the odds that three kids (on two continents no less) would come up with the same name?  I believe in paying attention to coincidence — especially when it doesn’t make any sense.

So “Alex” it is.

Something tells me this is going to be one heck of a trip.