Apr 102013
My dinner date has the worst table manners!

(Photo credit: CosmoPolitician)


Speaking of “classics,” are you familiar with this quote?

The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.

Although it has often been attributed to Plato or Aristotle, the Quote Investigator tells us the source is neither as ancient or as famous as we think.

I’m not sure that diminishes its value.

Somehow the image of “the ancients”  complaining about “kids these days” is often enough to jolt us back to the reality of our job: though a labor of love, good parenting can be hard work.



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Mar 122013
Kay Knotts - taken June 27, 1954

(Photo credit: Timothy Wildey)


Thank you for all your experience, strength and hope.  I’ve really enjoyed all of your classes.  You’ve made me want to do things I never wanted to do before! For that I’ll be forever grateful.  You’re an inspiring woman.

Your friend,

Kay S.


I can be a bit sentimental.  I loved this note from one of my parenting classes.  The secret?  These ladies inspired me much more.

 Kudos  March 12, 2013  Posted by at 3:39 pm Comments Off on Kudos
May 152012

Have you ever spent time in a household where the younger family members seemed to view themselves as visiting dignitaries, insisting that parents wait on them in a manner that resembles room service at a fine hotel?

Some parents don’t expect their kids to participate in household management: they feel that providing 100% of every aspect of food, clothing and shelter is an important way parents can help children feel loved and secure. 

Others believe that helping kids get comfortable with home management skills a little at a time is an excellent way to help them grow and become more independent.  They feel:

  • participating in household chores increases connection within the family
  • regularly completing chores helps to create a habit of ‘taking care of business’
  • knowing they make an important contribution to keeping things working within the family contributes to kids’ self esteem as well as enhancing autonomy, discipline and a strong work ethic

And if you’re not sure which end of that spectrum makes sense to you gradually get kids to participate in household chores without adding “Nag Kids About Chores” to your already-full “to do” list?  

Lots of people like a chore chart but find it gets stale.  What if part of the process was allowing kids to choose their tasks for the week?

Another helpful hint?  What about a short checklist to help kids know what constitutes successful completion of the task?  A job description of sorts.  (This also seems to take a little of the sting out for parents with very high housekeeping standards.)

Sure it can be easier just to take care of things ourselves… but what’s the long-term value of helping kids if learning to balance “house jobs”  with the rest of life?


English: Broom

Image via Wikipedia