Apr 292013

What If The World Is Made Of Cotton Candy, Rai...


Lots of us come to parenting with a rosy picture:  OUR kids will never be unhappy, never feel misunderstood, never have to struggle in school or in sports or socially.  We will meet their needs and most of their wants and they will excel because… oh… because all this love and fulfillment will inspire and propel them on to great things, right?

That rosy picture is a wonderful thing. That optimism represents something very special:  the deep and sometimes overpowering unconditional love that parents feel.  It makes us want to make the world worthy of our precious babies.  Sometimes that picture doesn’t leave much room for reality. And it can make us a little nuts.

Take a moment to think about the things you know for sure.  Did they come easily?  Do you look back and recognize times your parents pushed you to do something a little bit (or a lot) beyond your reach? And you fell on your face before standing on your feet?  Unfortunately lots of life’s great lessons come to us the hard way.

Face it: too many parents are afraid.  And we’re passing that on to our kids.  It’s almost as if we have come to  believe that discomfort is disability, and that letting our little ones stew a bit  will create some sort of irreparable harm.

Of course it can hurt to watch a child struggle, but let’s be realistic.  All struggle is not created equal and it’s important that we provide our children with perspective.  Let’s not place ‘homelessness’ and ‘hurt feelings’ on the same scale.

We’ll never get back to balance if we do.

Dec 282012


Sox Bench

Sox Bench (Photo credit: Oberazzi)


For years your kids have played organized sports. The focus has probably been on having fun, on feeling good and maybe learning something about the game. On building confidence. And, of course, on self-esteem.


But are these leagues being used to teach attitudes, skill and lessons that will serve them later in life?


I remember watching a friend fill in for an absent youth league baseball coach. I don’t think it was the ’substitute teacher phenomenon’ that rendered one of our young team members absolutely incapable of controlling himself. Especially his language. It became completely inappropriate. Rude, crude and downright abusive – and it didn’t seem to matter whether it was directed at his peers or the adults involved.


The substitute coach asked him to stop. Then he told him to stop. Then Coach explained very clearly. “This is the last time I am going to tell you to stop swearing. If you do it again – even one more time – you won’t get to play today.”


Of course, our young friend, fully schooled in his own ’star power’ couldn’t imagine such a scenario. As a result, he was very surprised when the next curse word resulted his being removed from the bench.


How would you react?


You could join in with the kids’ complaints about the coach’s unfairness. You could complain to the league or to the other parents. Or, you remind the kids who you are close to you that, with his behavior, the young ’star’ chose to be in the stands rather than to help them win the game.


Maybe you could even thank the coach and ask if he’d consider becoming more involved. After all, don’t your kids deserve someone who will model doing the right thing instead of the easy, popular thing?