Apr 162014

jump (Photo credit: Ozh)


Enthusiasm and passion are visible expressions of a positive attitude and, when we are lucky, we can see it in our kids.

They wake up early in the morning, bursting with energy and ready to go.  We are amazed that their enthusiasm and intensity seem to gain momentum, getting stronger as the day goes on.  Sometimes it even extends through bedtime: there are still so many great things left to do they don’t want to miss a single one of them.

It’s not always easy to sort through the noise and energy to continue to encourage this important trait.  But it may help to remember what Dale Carnegie told us so many years ago: “Flaming enthusiasm, backed up by horse sense and persistence, is the quality that most frequently makes for success.”

So… take a deep breathe and join in.  Revisit your own inner child. See who can laugh the loudest or run the fastest.  Get down on the floor and build things with the little ones.  When the bigger kids are excited about a new artist, ask if you can hear a little.  And celebrate.

When chores are done….let’s have a family celebration!  When marks  improve, let’s have a celebration!  When goals are reached…. well, you get the idea.  After all, the more we celebrate the more we have to celebrate, right?





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Apr 112014


A book for parents who want to raise good grown-ups

A book for parents who want to raise good grown-ups

You love your kids.  You want to see them grow into prosperous, self-reliant, fulfilled adults who reach their goals and give to others.  You probably also have a mental picture of what you don’t want them to become.

But what separates high-achieving adults from those who fail?

It’s not all genetics, talent or luck.  It’s something that every parent (or grandparent or foster parent or coach or teacher or mentor) can provide.  It’s the Four Foundations.

In What Kids Need to Succeed: Four Foundations of Adult Achievement you’ll see that high achievers share a common childhood experience:  four critical life lessons were passed on to them in their early years.

After all, you’re not raising a child…. you’re raising a future adult.

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