May 072010

I am of the ‘every little bit helps’ school of thought. Here is a simple idea that lets everyone help with the oil spill clean-up. Besides… an actual CONSTRUCTIVE use for dog hair. (I’m only able to get rid of so much as ‘nesting material’ for the spring birds.)

Seriously — this seems like such a simple idea. Does it really work?

Jan 212010

… but so is the response.

For a dose of ‘instant optimism’ check out this article from the Chronicle of Philanthropy, featured by Brian Williams on the Nightly News ‘Making a Difference’ segment.

Jan 052010
Look Right Into My Heart

Look Right Into My Heart (Photo credit: Kat Northern Lights Man)


According to the article sent by a friend, seven year old Jonathon Slack cried when he saw a woman holding a sign saying that she and her son had no place to stay. And later that evening he asked his Mom to drive him back into the city so that he could give his $6 to the woman and her son.

The family determined that there might, in fact, be bigger and better ways to help. So young Jonathon organized a ten-day donation drive that resulted in more than four truckloads of food and toys being delivered to the Su Casa Catholic Worker homeless shelter in Chicago.

Aside from the compassion and generosity, there is another reason that I like this story. One of the great building blocks that parents can give their children is the knowledge that, even in the face of an overwhelming problem, there is something that they can do… some action, small or large, that can be taken.

We can complain about world problems and wish that “somebody” would “do something” or we can teach out kids that every bit of kindness and generosity that they can show to others makes a difference.

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