Dec 272012
English: Altricial (helpless) young birds of a...

English: Altricial (helpless) young birds of an unidentified species. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

In this great Elizabeth Kolbert article called Spoiled Rotten she asks, “What values do we convey by turning our homes into warehouses for dolls? By assigning our kids chores and then rewarding them when they screw up? By untying and then re-tying their shoes for them?

It almost seems as if we’re actively trying to raise a nation full of “adultescents.” ”

Where is the boundary between”caring” and “creating helplessness”?  Between letting our kids know we’ll always love them and preventing them from living as independent adults?

It’s a conversation that’s long overdue and I’m delighted that others are adding their voices.


How do parents define success and what DO kids need to succeed?  Get your electronic copy of What Kids Need to Succeed: Four Foundations of Adult Achievement  Take your place in this important conversation.


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