Feb 222010

If you missed Bode Miller’s flawless slalom run in the super combined yesterday, find it. Watch it. The word ‘breathtaking’ comes to mind.

I love watching Bode for lots of reasons. First off, even though he doesn’t know it, we’re neighbors. In addition, he grew up in a log cabin in northern New Hampshire — with no indoor plumbing or electricity and was home schooled for his first few grades. As someone who thinks about the impact of childhood experiences on adult successes, I wonder which of his gifts were ‘planted’ there.

The media categorization of Bode’s Vancouver performance as ‘redemption’ is almost boring. What’s new and lovely and delightful is watching fellow Granite-stater Bode Miller absolutely glow when reporters ask him about his young daughter, Dacey. That’s the real gold.



Feb 192010

I love the stories associated with the Olympics…. I find myself thinking about how so many of these folks epitomize the best of the Four Foundations. Frankly, despite the fact that I was a “hockey Mom,” I find it hard to imagine just how MUCH discipline, hard work, overcoming adversity and sacrifice go into becoming a world class athlete.

We may be ‘raising future adults’ but they probably need to remember ‘to their Moms, they’ll always be kids.’ Enjoy.