Jan 152013

It’s true. I haven’t felt much like coming here to write lately…. And there’s really no excuse for that.

Yes, I’ve been busy.  It took me forever to learn how to master the formatting for Kindle….  BUT I like the way it turned out AND the book is now available electronically in the UK and Germany.  So that’s cool.

And, Inner Critic to Inner Ally: A Beginner’s Guide, a self-study program I’ve been working on for a few months, is now a download on my personal site.  Sure, there a few details left…. and links to create and publicity to take care of… but, overall, I’m happy with it.

I just don’t want to write to you about parenting lately and it’s my baby’s ‘fault.’

I’m part of a big, blended family.  I adore my husband’s kids but did not get to be part of their lives until they were grown.  Despite having been privileged to have been invited to be intimately (but briefly) involved with  thousands of families  (first as a clinician, advocate and neighborhood Mom, later as an author and coach) I have only had one biological child.  He grew up to be a wonderful adult quite some time ago.  And he’s about to get married.

I love the woman he has chosen… and her daughter, too.  So many people start grandparenting with a baby; “young miss” and I keep joking about how lucky I am to start out in the 5th grade!  I love being a Mom and am looking forward to being a Grandma… more than I can say.

And that’s why I’ve been avoiding you:  it’s so much more than I can say right now.  When I feel things this intensely I withdraw.  I need to feel all of these strong, wonderful feelings before I share them.  So if the post schedule seems a little off, it is.  This involves other people…. and I don’t want to be gushy to the point of being embarrassing to anyone!  And I want to savor every moment.

So for the next few weeks, while I adjust to ‘new normal,’ I’m going to try something different here….  maybe even some guest posts. There are big changes going on…. and they’re wonderful.  I’m giving my head some time to catch up with my heart.  Stay tuned!