Feb 152009

A friend just sent me this article from The Daily Beast. Normally, I’d give you some hints but, frankly, I’m speechless. I’m going to have to leave the comments to you.


  2 Responses to “What am I Missing?”

  1. Wow. That’s utterly tacky and yet desperate. It really shows an appalling insecurity on the part of the parents: “How will my child’s preschool affect how my friends judge me?” Talk about self-absorption and fiscal foolishness. Your kids would be better served if you spent more time reading with them, counting with them and doing puzzles with them every night, folks.

  2. This sounds like parents using their children as trophies rather than cherished developing individuals. How sad that their accomplishments and precious moments are being used as a personal reflection of themselves. That’s as silly as my claiming responsibility for my 18 month old daughter’s tantrum about being put in the carseat. It’s just where she is now (and communication skills she has developed so far) and is not an indicator of her future. It is not a reflection of me as a parent either. All kids have “moments”.

    The biggest indicator of education success is the parents’ accomplishments. Parents who have a college education or better tend to have children that are successful in school (and eventually college) because they value education by reading to their child and taking an interest in their process. Parents make the difference more than the school name. They are the only consistent feature of the child’s life.

    How can these people shop for the best school program for their child without knowing how their child learns best (there are 8 identified intelligences) and what he/she is interested in?

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