Dec 292009

Sing-along-blog (Photo credit: fmgbain)


The last week in December can often be a time of thoughtful reflection, goal-setting and planning for the year ahead. Some fall into our custom-made, fur-lined ruts (sometimes called ‘traditions’ or ‘rituals’)…. others chase after ‘the new’. Some manage to find a balance between the two.

Chances are that NO year is so bad that we have to jettison everything…. and none is so good that we couldn’t look for a way that we can be a little better.

How does your family celebrate the fresh start around the corner? First Night? A traditional party of some sort? A late night walk in the woods or on the beach?

A group in Oakland has something special going on…. it might make sense for your family, too.

KarmaTube: The Circle Song.

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